China Hat ISDE Canceled

Dear Lobos Racers, Riders and Friends, ⁣

The Lobos Membership has decided that the best course of action at this point is to cancel the 2020 China Hat Poker Run and ISDE weekend in light of the global coronavirus situation. We know that by acting decisively now, we can prevent undue stress and potential harm to the community. The China Hat ISDE has been an overwhelming part of the Pacific Northwest riding community’s event calendar for over 40 years, and we look forward to an exciting and incredible event in 2021. ⁣

For those who have preregistered for the events or purchased merchandise, you will be refunded. As we must refund each transaction individually and we have a high volume of customers the refund transactions may be processed as late as April 3. We are very thankful for your continued support and patience at this time. Please email with any questions or concerns.⁣

We as riders and racers ourselves, understand the disappointment this will bring for so many. This choice did not come lightly, and we made it out of concern for the larger communities we are all a part of. At this point in time, all of us must look towards keeping our families, friends, and communities safe and healthy. ⁣

We hope to see all of you soon,⁣

Lobos MC

Lydia Bashaw

Offroad Enthusiast
Moto Advocate

Member since 2019

Lobos Marketing Coordinator


Call to Action: Huckleberry Flats OHV Expansion


China Hat Poker Run & ISDE Registration is open!